Command & Conquer
Since I rarely ever win any games (my overall win/loss ratio is a dismal 0.72), I was pleased as punch to try my hand at commanding. Just to get it over with, here's our team's final score:
I discovered that there's a lot to learn as Commander. First off, a big thank you to my teammates, whoever you are, for not voting me off, or for a higher-ranking player not taking over the Commander position.
We were MEC on Sharqi, and I started out as Special Ops, and since the Commander position wasn't filled, I took the position. Our team had 7 players including myself, 3 squad leaders and 3 troops. The enemy had 7 players, 6 troops and 1 commander.
The interesting thing about this game was that all three of our squad leaders found a spot on the map to hide, and never got involved in the fighting. Since I was too n00b to command and fight, I stayed back and commanded, leaving only 3 out of our 7 to actually do any combat. 6 of their players were fighting, meaning we were outnumbered in combat 2:1, yet we still won. At one point they took out our artillery so I switched to engineer and repaired them (which was new to me). Eventually, just before that screenshot was taken, our 3 guys had stormed the TV station ("attack here!") and MEC won the day.
Just had to document my first victory as commander.
Lesson to learn: what all those buttons do in the Commander screen.
Lesson confirmed: Teamwork can get you a victory even if you are outnumbered 2:1!
I discovered that there's a lot to learn as Commander. First off, a big thank you to my teammates, whoever you are, for not voting me off, or for a higher-ranking player not taking over the Commander position.
We were MEC on Sharqi, and I started out as Special Ops, and since the Commander position wasn't filled, I took the position. Our team had 7 players including myself, 3 squad leaders and 3 troops. The enemy had 7 players, 6 troops and 1 commander.
The interesting thing about this game was that all three of our squad leaders found a spot on the map to hide, and never got involved in the fighting. Since I was too n00b to command and fight, I stayed back and commanded, leaving only 3 out of our 7 to actually do any combat. 6 of their players were fighting, meaning we were outnumbered in combat 2:1, yet we still won. At one point they took out our artillery so I switched to engineer and repaired them (which was new to me). Eventually, just before that screenshot was taken, our 3 guys had stormed the TV station ("attack here!") and MEC won the day.
Just had to document my first victory as commander.
Lesson to learn: what all those buttons do in the Commander screen.
Lesson confirmed: Teamwork can get you a victory even if you are outnumbered 2:1!
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