Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Bad Luck Spawning

Sometimes I have no clue what class I should be playing, or where I should be spawning. Every round I desperately seek a squad but they lock them up so I can't join. I'm not interested in starting a squad, I prefer at this stage to just be part of a team, but I guess no one wants a willing body.

So today I managed a few rounds on Kubra Dam and Clean Sweep. Things went well on Kubra Dam, but when Operation Clean Sweep came up my luck changed drastically. Each time I spawned, it was a disaster. I think I managed 0 kills and 30 deaths for the entire round. I'd spawn just as 2 tanks and a jeep full of enemies roll in. Dead. I spawned just as a jet made a bombing run. Splat. I spawned just as an enemy helo launched a rocket volley. Dead. I picked a far away spawn just as an arty barrage hit. Dead. Switch back, swarming with enemy infantry, dead. Pick another spawn, tank shell. Dead. Pick it again, artillery barrage, dead. WTF?

I played Daqing Oilfields I think it was, and I thought I'd step up my repair points which are at zero. So on the advice of a BF2 FAQ and some friends, I got a jeep and tagged along with a tank, and sure enough throughout the round, I'd hear the click-click of the wrench as I repaired the tanks and AA vehicles. I've done this before, and my stats still show zero repairs... WTF? What on earth do I have to do for my repairs to actually count?

Lesson to learn: Get a better wrench.

Lesson confirmed: I can't pick a decent spawn point to save my life.


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